This is it folks, the very first post of the new Chicken in the Yard web site! Isn't it just glorious? Many of you have been reading my rants for some time on my old journal site but here is the latest and greatest. I've been getting a bit tired of maintaining the old manual format and wanted a more efficient means of updating and offering better archiving and overall organization, so I hope this helps.
But enough of all that mundane stuff, you're probably all wondering what this Chicken in the Yard business is. Well, in a couple of months Katie and I will be holding our brand new baby, mint out of package, and there will be some serious life changes going on. First of all, we'll have a baby, as if that's not enough. Secondly, I'm going to quit my fulltime job and become a home daddy, stay at home dad, Mr. Mom, or whatever you want to call it... however, I refer to it as "retirement." And during this retirement I will need lots of things to do, other than diapers, laundry, household chores, making bottles, de-poopifying the kid and myself and the walls, etc. One of these things will be my new Chicken in the Yard weblog where I hope to post daily adventures, pictures, videos, and the like. Considering there will be a new child in our lives I'm sure there will be many things to talk about.
But, why Chicken in the Yard? Well, for that you can read the About page for more info, but in general it has to do with stories of childhood, adventures growing up, and chickens. "Chicken in the Yard" specifically refers to my dad and his childhood, but in thinking about it I realized there have been a lot of chicken experiences in my past as well. These stories will surface here in due time.
So, I hope you all enjoy my new and improved site. I'm still working out the kinks and figuring out how to post an archive of all my past posts from my previous site, so bear with me during this transition. In the meantime you can always peruse my old site.