Little Miss Isabelle is now a Kindergartener! How did this happen?! Where did my baby girl go? Last week was her first week of Kindergarten, but it was only half days to ease them into it. And as you can see she loves it! Can that uniform be any cuter? Yes, it can actually. She has saddle shoes to go with it but isn't wearing them in that picture.
Today is also a big first, it's her actual first FULL day of Kindergarten. Like she had a lunchbox full of snacks for recess and lunch for lunchtime. What a day! I made sure to explain which was for snack and which was for lunch so she didn't eat it all at once or something. To which she replied: "Oh, I get it Daddy, this side is for snack and this side is for lunch." Yes indeed child, you do get it. You get everything and now you are going to learn even more.
And here I sit, at home, having eaten lunch all by myself. And Belle sat at school and ate lunch all by herself, or at least without me. She used to be my lunch buddy. My shopping buddy. My kick it on the couch and watch a movie buddy. My grab an ice cream at the beach buddy. I really missed her today. I can't wait to scoop her up after school and hear about all her adventures.
Oh my goodness... she's so BIG! and CUTE!! I totally understand what you're feeling, Daddy!! Good thing is tomorrow is Friday-- HALF DAY! You get your lunch buddy back :) Hope her week (and yours) went well. Miss you guys.
Posted by: Antonella | Thursday, 08 September 2011 at 08:13 PM
It's okay Little Brother,
Big Sister will come over and be your lunch buddy, your shopping buddy, your video game buddy - but I get to go first this time! LOL
Oh, and can I play with the light saber? I'll bring over my xbox.....
Posted by: Donna-Marie | Friday, 09 September 2011 at 12:26 AM