Last week Katie had to take a trip to DC for a few days, 4 days to be precise. And during that time Belle and I went out to Katie's folks' to hang out around family. That way Belle wasn't fixated on the fact that her Mommy was away on a trip and I got some support watching the little bugger. This also gave me time to paint without melted my daughter's brain with more movies. But I did get to melt my own brain a bit.
For 3 nights Katie was away. So for 3 nights I went out to the movies. A parent never gets to go to the movies. And before Belle was born all Katie and I did was go to the movies. So I've been really craving some movie action. And since Katie's folks were so kind as to watch the little Belle as she slept I went out and saw some.
First I saw Zombieland. This isn't a movie I would normally see, but Matthew said it was awesome so I went. IT WAS AWESOME! This is a funny movie with a great story and cast. You'll laugh, laugh, and maybe even tear up a bit, but mostly laugh. Go see it.
Next I saw Surrogates. It was entertaining. I went into this movie thinking it would suck, but it didn't so I was happy. Sure the story is meh, but it's still fun to see stuff blow up right? So, see it if you want, if not go see Zombieland.
And to cap off my movie marathon I went to see the animated film 9. I had high expectations for this one and it mostly lived up to them. The story was a bit weak but I liked the movie overall. It's very inventive and creepy. But if you're not into animated flicks then go see Zombieland.
Oh, did I mention Zombieland? It was good.
Duuuustin (echo echo echo) where aaaarrree yooouuuu??? I miss Isabelle!!!
Posted by: Antonella | Saturday, 21 November 2009 at 08:53 PM